Financial Freedom After Abuse | April is Financial Literacy Month

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Money, especially when restricted by an abuser, can feel like a setback when dreaming of a safe and abundant future. Our Financial Coaching Program is not just about budgeting or saving – it’s about equipping survivors with the tools and knowledge they need to take control of their current financial situation and work towards the life they envision.

We have an amazing Certified Financial Coach, MaryAlice, who works closely with clients to take the next step. MaryAlice tailors to each client’s unique situations and aspirations. Whether it is building an emergency fund, improving credit scores, or setting aside money for education or housing, she provides the guidance and support necessary to turn these goals into reality.

It’s important to remember that survivors endure scary situations and trauma that leave an impact on their self-esteem and ability to advocate for themselves. Through financial education and coaching, we empower our clients to assert their worth and make choices that align with their values.

Join us for a weekly challenge.

We invite you to do a savings challenge! See for yourself the small steps many clients use to practice discipline and build confidence.

Follow us on Facebook for the Weekly Challenge posted every Tuesday this April.